St. Joseph's School, : Homepage Welcome To St. Joseph's School, Puranpur



    Strict regularity, implicit obedience, courtesy in speech and conduct, cleanliness of dress and persons are expected from every student. Students must strictly conform to the regulations laid down in this regard.

    Whenever the students come to school, they will come in their school uniform.

    All students must possess a copy of the college calendar which is to be brought on all working days.

    Students must speak in English in the college premises.

    Students are not allowed to visit the Staff-Room.

    Articles found in the college are to be handed over at the Principal's Office.

    Fines may be imposed by the Principal for irregularity. Indiscipline for damage to the college property.

    No collection of money for any purpose whatsoever is to be made without the previous permission of the principal.

    Any kind of damage done to the college property must be compensated.

    No book, newspapers or periodicals must be brought to the college without the Principal's permission.

    The college authorities do not hold themselves responsible for the student's loss of money, books, ornaments or articles of clothing etc. They are expected to look after their own belongings very carefully.

    Students are responsible to the college authorities not only for their conduct in the college but also for their general behavior outside. Any reported or objectionable conduct on the part of the students make them liable for disciplinary action.

    The Principal may punish a student in a manner suited to the offence e.g. by detention after College hours or by expulsion from the institution, without justifying his/her action.

    All students must take part in drill and outdoor games.

    Mobile phones and two wheelers are strictly prohibited inside the school campus for all student. Mobile phone confiscated will be handed over to the parents with fine. (Rs. 2000/-)